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Set to between Old Hickory,Bully Nick,1834,Biddle,Clay,Jackson,Van Buren,Webster

Title: Set to between Old Hickory and Bully Nick
Related Names:
Imbert, Anthony, 1794 or 5-1834.
Date Created/Published: 1834.
Summary: Satire on the public conflict between Andrew Jackson and Nicholas Biddle over the future of the Bank of the United States, and the former's campaign to destroy it. The print is sympathetic to Jackson, portraying him as the champion of the common man against the moneyed interests of the Bank. In the center Biddle (left) and Jackson square off. An obese woman, Mother Bank, holding a bottle of port stands beside Biddle. Behind her are Biddle supporters Daniel Webster and Henry Clay. Mother Bank: 'Darken his day lights, Nick Put the Screws to him my tulip!' Webster: 'Blow me tight if Nick ain't been crammed too much You see as how he's losing his wind!' On the right are Jackson's supporters: Martin Van Buren, Major Jack Downing and 'Joe Tammany,' a frontiersman in buckskins and raccoon cap. On the ground next to Tammany is a bottle of 'Old Monongohala Whiskey.' Downing: 'I swan if the Ginral hain't been taken lessons from Fuller!' Tammany: 'Hurrah my old yallow flower of the forrest, walk into him like a streak of Greased lightning through a gooseberry bush!' Below a mock account of the event, as reported in the Washington 'Globe,' is given: 'This celebrated fight took place at Washington in 1834, . . . Several long and severe rounds were fought, and from the immense sums bet, many of the fancy were losers to a large amount Old Mother B. is said to have backed her champion to the tune of more than $150,000--Nick's weight of metal was superior as well as his science, but neither were sufficient for the pluck and wind of Hickory, who shewed his through training and sound condition so effectually that in the last round Nick was unable to come to time and gave in.
Entered Southern District of New York 1834 by Anthony Imbert; for sale wholesale & retail at 104 Broadway.
The print was recorded as deposited for copyright by Imbert on March 5, 1834. This impression lacks the imprint 'Drawn by one of the Fancy' found on impressions cited by Weitenkampf and Murrell.
Title appears as it is written on the item.
The print was recorded as deposited for copyright by Imbert on March 5, 1834. This impression lacks the imprint 'Drawn by one of the Fancy' found on impressions cited by Weitenkampf and Murrell.
Murrell, p. 132.
Weitenkampf, p. 34.
Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)
Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1834-4.
Biddle, Nicholas,--1786-1844.
Clay, Henry,--1777-1852.--Political activity.
Jackson, Andrew,--1767-1845.
Van Buren, Martin,--1782-1862.
Webster, Daniel,--1782-1852.
Bank of the United States--1830-1840.
Tammany Hall--1830-1840.
Globe (Washington, D.C. : Daily)--1830-1840.
Economic policy--1830-1840.
Downing, Jack or 'Zek' (Fictitious character)
Political cartoons--1830-1840.
Bookmark /2008661767/
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